Student Individual Picture Day 2 | Día de fotos individuales para estudiantes 2



Individual Picture Re-take Day: Friday, February 5, 2021, time: starting  9:00 AM

Place: Cafeteria

Wharton students will have a second/final opportunity to have their individual picture taken on Friday, Feb. 5th.

This PICTURE RE-TAKE DAY is specially targeted for:

  • Students who are returning their original picture package (parent request for re-take)
  • Students who did not pre-order/pre-pay for their pictures during the first take
  • ALL VIRTUAL students are invited to pre-order their picture package or come in person to have their picture taken
  • ALL VIRTUAL students are invited to come in person to have their picture taken – no purchase necessary – a proof will be given to the school for yearbook use & included in the 20-21 Composite Class Picture
  • Reminder:  Pre-orders for picture packages are to be made on-line… Order CODE will be announced soon
  • For now, mark this date on your calendar!  More details will follow.

Individual Fall Pictures have been sent home with IN-PERSON students who pre-ordered/pre-paid.

If you ordered a picture package for you child and have not yet received it with your child, (1st step) please contact the teacher.

If the teacher advises you she/he did not receive it, please contact Ms. Murillo in the main office.

Virtual students who ordered a picture package pay pick-up their package from the main office, M-F, 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM.


May be an image of text that says 'Wharton PK-8 Dual Language Academy Retakes ORDER ONLINE INTER-STATE.COM/O INTER-STA ORDER USE ORDER CODE: Use el código de pedido: 52874MB *Pay online with an electronic check, debit card, credit card or PayPal. Pague en línea con un cheque electrónico, tarjeta de débito, tarjeta de crédito PayPal.'

Friday, February 5, 2021