Back to Wharton Middle School

Note from Ms. Akhtar | 08.23.24

8/15/2024 11:00 am

Hello parents!

Happy second week of the school year! We hope your child is settling into their new routine and feeling more comfortable transitioning back to school. As we move forward, we wanted to share some important updates and reminders to keep you informed and involved in your child's middle school experience.

Getting Into the Swing of Things
Students should have a good sense of their daily schedules and expectations by now. This is a critical time for establishing strong habits—like staying organized, completing homework on time, and managing their time effectively. Please encourage your child to use their planner to keep track of assignments and deadlines.

Building Connections
Middle school is not only about academics; it’s also a time for your child to build new friendships and become part of the school community. Ms. Valles started our student council club last week. We encourage all students to sign up to participate in campus leadership opportunities.

Supporting Academic Success
As we dive deeper into the curriculum, some students may find certain subjects challenging. If your child needs extra help, please encourage them to ask their teachers for assistance. We’re here to support their learning journey every step of the way.

Attendance Matters
Regular attendance is key to your child’s success in school. Please make sure your child arrives on time and is ready to learn each day.

-Ms. Akhtar