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Eagle Olympic Games: Thank You

10/18/2024 1:40 pm


Olympic Games Finale! 🏅

We've reached the end of our incredible Olympic Games! Thank you to everyone who participated and donated. Your generosity has made a huge difference for our school community.


Click here for video message from our fundraising chair, Idalia Morfey, to recap the event and celebrate our successes.


Feedback: Your feedback is gold! Help us improve our future fundraising efforts by taking a few minutes to complete our Olympic Games survey that will be sent via email next week.


Grand Olympic Event! We hope everyone enjoyed celebrating! A special thank you to our dedicated volunteers who made this event possible! Your hard work and enthusiasm helped create a memorable experience for our students.


Milestones Achieved: 

Prizes and Classroom Incentives: Congratulations to the following winners:

  • Ms. Carter's Pre-K class: Special Surprise Party (details coming soon) for raising the most money overall
  • Ms. Gonzalez's 1st grade class: Pizza Party for having the highest % of students with at least 1 donation in elementary school 🎉🍕
  • Ms. Hutto's 6th grade class: Pizza Party for having the highest % of students with at least 1 donation in middle school 🎉🍕
  • Cidercade Promotion: Sophia Adams
  • Texans Tickets: Iver DeSalvo
  • Electric Scooter: Alina Guerra

Backorder prizes were handed out today. This marks the final distribution of all prizes for the Eagle Olympics.
Missing a prize?
If you notice something missing after today, please email with the student's name, grade, and the specific prize that's missing.