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Note from Ms. Akhtar | 09.06.24

9/5/2024 11:00 am

Hello parents!


As we move further into the school year, we want to remind you of a few key strategies to help your child stay organized and succeed in their classes.

  • One effective way to support your child is to encourage them to use their agendas. Students should regularly write down their homework assignments, upcoming test dates, and project deadlines. This small step can make a big difference in helping them manage their time and responsibilities.
  • In addition, we recommend checking your child's backpack at least once a week. This helps ensure they stay organized and do not carry papers they no longer need. Removing clutter can help students focus on what’s important and avoid misplacing important assignments or materials.
  • Lastly, progress reports will be sent home this Monday, September 9th. This is a great opportunity to review your child’s current progress in their classes.If you have any questions or concerns about their performance, please don’t hesitate to contact their teacher. We’re happy to help schedule a conference to discuss any concerns and work together for your child’s success.

Thank you for your ongoing support. Together, we can help our students thrive!


-Ms. Akhtar