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Note from Ms. Akhtar | 09.13.24

9/11/2024 11:00 am

Hello Parents,


Progress reports were sent home on Monday, and now that you’ve seen your child’s grades, it’s the perfect time to check-in on their academic progress.


One important step is to check grades regularly—using the Parent Connect Portal, where you can monitor grades and assignments in real-time. Setting aside a weekly time to review grades can help you stay informed and provide the opportunity to address any concerns early.


Here are a few ways to support your child academically:

  • Create a study routine: Set up a quiet, consistent space and time for homework each day. 
  • Encourage open communication: Talk with your child about any challenges they’re facing, and work together to find solutions. 
  • Stay in touch with teachers: Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions or need clarification. Teachers can provide extra resources or insight into what might be causing any struggles. Please reach out if you have any questions!

- Ms. Akhtar