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Note from Ms. Akhtar | 09.20.24

9/19/2024 7:00 am

Hello Parents,


As we continue our journey through the school year, we want to address an important topic that impacts both academic performance and social well-being: cell phones during school hours.


While cell phones have become an essential tool in our daily lives, we believe it's important to set clear boundaries for their use at school.

  • Why We Discourage Cell Phones During School - Distraction-Free Learning: Cell phones can be a major source of distraction during class. Research shows that students who use cell phones during school often have trouble focusing on lessons, which can affect their overall performance. By keeping phones tucked away, we help create an environment where students can fully engage with their teachers, peers, and coursework.
  • Mental Health and Well-Being: Constant access to social media and messaging can contribute to stress, anxiety, and even cyberbullying. Limiting phone use during school gives students a much-needed break from these pressures, helping them to focus on their mental and emotional well-being.
  • Emergency Communication: Rest assured, if there is an emergency, school staff will contact you immediately. Likewise, if your child needs to reach you during the day, they can always come to the office to make a call. This ensures communication while minimizing unnecessary phone use.

What We’re Asking:

  • Please remind your child that cell phones should remain off and stored in their backpacks during the school day.
  • If your child needs to use their phone after school hours for communication, they can do so once the final bell rings.
  • Encourage your child to reach out to their teachers if they need support or assistance during the day.

We appreciate your partnership in creating an environment where students can thrive academically and socially. By working together, we can help your children stay focused, engaged, and connected in meaningful ways. Thank you for your continued support!


- Ms. Akhtar