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Arrival and Dismissal Safety Procedures

9/20/2024 9:47 am

As we continue to prioritize the safety of our students during arrival and dismissal, we’d like to remind everyone of the important procedures in place to ensure a smooth and safe experience for all.


We’re thrilled to have parent volunteers assisting with arrival duty. They wear bright yellow or red safety vests for easy identification. They help direct traffic in the mornings to keep our students safe. Please follow their directions carefully and show your support with courtesy and patience.


Important Reminders: 

  • Be Courteous to Our Neighbors and Local Businesses: We kindly ask that you avoid parking in front of driveways or nearby business parking lots. This not only disrupts local traffic but also impacts the businesses around us.
  • Respect City Safety Rules: Please do not block intersections, park in front of stop signs, or park in “No Parking” zones designated by the City of Houston. These actions pose significant safety risks for pedestrians and drivers alike.
  • Help Keep Traffic Flowing: To avoid backups, we encourage parents to continue straight on Columbus Street to Dallas Street during dismissal rather than turning left onto Clay Street. Left turns slow the flow of traffic and create unnecessary backups. When available, a parent volunteer will help guide traffic—please follow instructions to keep things moving smoothly. 
  • Where to Line Up: Please line up in straight lines on West Gray, West Clay, and Columbus. This will help avoid blocking Montrose Blvd., ensuring a more efficient dismissal process for everyone.
  • Pedestrian Safety Near the Entrance: Cones will be placed in the handicap parking spots next to the main entrance (unless needed) to prevent unauthorized parking. This is a high-traffic area for students and families on foot, and it’s crucial we keep it clear and safe. Thank you for your cooperation in making arrival and dismissal as safe and efficient as possible. With your help, we can maintain a smooth process that ensures the safety of all students, parents, and staff.